March 9, 2025

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

Called by Jesus. Episode 10

5 min read

Episode 10


I was so happy I could hear his thought and for a minutes I was grateful that God chose me its really a one thing everybody don’t get. I thought my job was to just sit at the podium stand but as I look at the congregation from where I sat I saw different things. There was this woman sitting by a conner she has both her legs and hand chain how would someone put this kind of thing on her body fashion or what? I was still asking myself that question when I saw another boy carrying something on his head and he was sitting in the church. I was beginning to get angry because of what I was seeing ” Michael I think I’m going to go outside for a little air, this is driving me crazy” I told him in my heart.
you can’t go outside, all what you are seeing is my Lord showing you the oppressed the woman in chains that isn’t fashion like you thought that’s the handiwork of her co-wife the things you have seen today is just you and I that are seeing it (his heart spoke to me)

So what I’m I suppose to do now?
when God send you to a battle, he doesn’t wait for you to get there before he comes he go ahead of you. Just as he has done now.
I lift up my head and there was my pastor handling me the mic “what I’m I suppose to do with this” I thought I was talking with Angel Michael that I didn’t hear what the pastor said before bring the mic to me “for you to sing” Michael told me. I smiled and collected the mic from him. I got up from my sit and walked down so the congregation could see me very well. ” I can not do this alone, so father let’s do it together ” I prayed in my heart before I started to sing my eyes closed was I scared to witness God in power? No I have seen enough miracle in just two days to break every doubt. I sang beautifully well as I sang I spoke in tongues until that day I never know I could even speak in tongues then the holy spirit hit me and I started prophesying to people, I spoke from my heart and I did only what the spirit as me to say and do. The more I sang praising my God the more visions came that overwhelmed me, I called the names of the people the holy spirit was showing me to come out, they all ran out shouting ” thank you Jesus ” “oh God that you for remembering me” everyone was in one way or the other was thanking God.

Also, read  Called by Jesus. Episode 8

You are here and your problem is anytime you get pregnant, once you dream about you fighting with someone you wake up seeing blood around you. (I spoke in tongue again) the lord said the baby in your womb isn’t going anywhere this time around, ” your cry has been heard”. She ran out and straight to the alter rolling herself on the floor shouting hallelujah hallelujah to the Lord. To another you are here for 8 years now you have been seeking for jobs, in fact you relocated from this city to another thinking this town was course and you came back just few days ago, not this city that is curse but the evil one has given you their own kind of job spiritually. I can see on your head basket, basket filled with all sort of nonsense and when you go to any company for job all they see is that basket who would want to employ a mad man? But the set time has come the Lord say I should tell you ” cry no more my son for I have risen in my power and glory to set you free” he did the same thing the other woman did crying and praising God. Our God is a God of wonders as many as I could not call your name because of time I declare and I decree receive your healing this minutes. They started to fall one after the other, speaking in different tongue there was suppose to be ushers holding them, but the people receiving their miracle was too much. Whole church was up and down, after I had finish praying for them I went back to my sit knelt down and thanked God for healing his children then the voice came ” move out to the crowd my child, there is a man down there who has come with his blind child, his miracle won’t pass today, he said in his heart ” God remembered everyone except my poor blind son” I will prove to him I’m not a man that I would forget” I received the message loud and clear and this wasn’t Michael’s voice so I got up and went out into the mist of the congregation, immediately I got to the man the holy spirit asked me to stop I did as I was told I knelt in front of the man and his four years boy ” don’t give up hope sir, just tell my father what you want him to do for you, he has not forgotten you neither has he forsaken your son” he broke down in tears and the little boy say ” I never gave up for I knew God will do it for me one day and if that day is today I wish to regain my sight” my heart felt happy and sad I was happy this little boy knew the important of faith, trust and believe and I was sad because I wasn’t like this small boy I had doubts before.” As you have wish may it be granted unto you” immediately his eyes were opened and he said ” papa I told you I won’t return home blind, God did it I can see” him and the father jumped on me hugging me so tight and crying. I return back to my sit after the hug party was over.

Also, read  Called by Jesus. Episode 15

Some minutes later everyone has return back to their sit, the pastor came up and shared the grace and off we went Michael and I.

To be continued