Heart Of A Beast. Chapter 2
10 min read
(Love is the word )
His hard grunts echoes loudly in the depth of the woods. He struggled; struggled effortlessly to get himself out of the trap that had caught his tail and pinned it to a sharp point.. Making blood spill from the wound..
He looked at the farmer, his tormentor, giving him a mockery look as he tightened the trap more, making him feel more excruciating pain, it was what the farmer expected but he felt nothing .. The chains cutting deep into his beastly flesh.
As much as he wants to help himself and devour this human whose blood wouldn’t stop salivating him, he couldn’t. He had vowed not to kill anyone else after the first one.
If only this human would understand and simply release him. Using his powers would only increase his urge and make him more irresistible to this humans blood.. It made his throat dry as his stench hit him again, he groaned.. Fighting the urge and trying to help himself.
If only he would understand, release the trap and save himself.
The urge grew powerful, accompanying it’s strength with a deep stab of hunger and severe want.
“H..elp me” he grunts to the man, thick red lines ran as veins on his hairy neck.. His hunger leveling higher.
“Hah!” He mocked.. Moving closer to him..
No! No don’t do that.
Please don’t. Don’t come any closer!
His insides pleaded since he couldn’t voice out anymore word without charging forward to the tasty meal he was being offered.. The man kept walking toward him, few steps away, he stopped. Then took another step and another..
I can’t help you if you keep doing this! Stop coming closer you goddamned human!!
His insides yelled at him but he took yet another step. Making the beast helpless and intensifying his urge rapidly.. To rapid to fight off anymore.
Now he was only an inch close to him,..
“I already called the cops, they’ll be here any second from now to get you and guess what.. I’ll be awarded greatly and there’ll be so much fame with it, I’ll be a hero while you’ll be taken away to be killed so releasing you is not happening!” He said, pulling his head closer to his face. His breathing came out as heavy grunts as all his urge explodes..
“R..ru..run” he tried to warn him for the last time.. His strength failing off as he talked.
He didn’t complete his statement before the beast tore himself loose for the trap and dashed toward him, at once he grabbed his head, bit deep into his neck and suck hungrily at his blood.. He sucked, sucked and sucked more until part of his urge has been satisfied, he felt his strength renewing and he pulled away from the lifeless human.. On his knees, he cried out pathetically “NO!!” In sadness, anger and regret.
But he couldn’t help himself, it was his body but not his property.. He was owned by something more stronger, more powerful.. In the next minute he was back to the body, gulping hungrily at the blood, sucking like his whole life depended on it. When was the last time he had taken a fresh blood like this one before.. Tears crawled out of his eyes, feeling helpless, satisfied and sad at the same time but he kept gulping in the blood.. After this, he needs to find a safer place next.
Kayla’s POV
. . .
Mr Dennis walks out of the class after giving us an exercise that was to be submitted in his next period. Students troop out of the class to the passageway.
I manage to look up and I saw Billy, Shane and Zachary; Andrew’s close friends and goons.. They were walking towards my seat.
I stood up immediately, grabbed my books and tried to walk out when a palm shoved me roughly back to my seat. With a heavy breath, I pulled my glasses back on my eyes and shift away from them, squeezing myself at the corner of the chair.
“Are you going to report us too?” Shane asked, sitting on my desk and facing me but I kept my head down..
“What? Cat got your lousy tongue now?” He asked again and I gulped down nothing..
“Isn’t she that detective daughter.. The one that got transferred here from Seattle?” Zach asked.
“Of course. The old pvssy in charge of the beast case. For your mom to be given such a task, she must be one really competent woman and I think a little of that part rubbed off on you so why are you suddenly hiding it?” Billy chipped in.
“Competent?” Shane repeated in a mocking tone and accompanied it with a laugh of mockery too. “Don’t worry, her failure would be the funniest thing you’ll ever witness. Since she became in charge, the crises got worse and I’m very sure, she’ll be the next one to go” he mocked.
“No.. She won’t!” I said, my head still down.
“Whoa! I finally got her to talk” Shane said. Obviously in Andrew’s absence he’s the substitute.
He grabbed me up by my shirt’s collar and made me look at his face, I felt the hurt on my neck.
He wore a smirk, a deadly one and when I looked up.. The entire class had their eyes on us.. He pushed me carelessly to the wall and I hit my back on it, landing to the floor on my butt. I pick up my glasses that had fallen off and quickly pull it on, to at least be forewarn of whatever was coming next.
As he marched toward me, one of his friends held him back and whisper something to his ear, he nodded, gave me a hateful glare and walk out of the class.
I sighed out in relief as he passed me, his friends followed behind. I stood up and dust my butt, I walked back to my seat and wince suddenly. I quickly checked the hand that hurt and saw a small cut on my wrist.. It must have happened when I fell but right now I can’t risk going to the school nurse.
I took out a handkerchief from my pant pocket and wiped the blood that stayed at the top of the wound, I tied it around my wrist..
After the next two periods, lunch break came next and I stayed on my seat as usual, waiting until almost half of the class were out. I stood up and walk out, taking my books along.. I reach my locker and dump my books in it. I grabbed my apple, the bottled water and a history book. I took the stairs to the hallway and instead of the cafeteria I used the bench and read while eating..
After the meal, I went to the school nurse and got my cut cleaned and wrapped. I walk back to class for the next period.
During closing hours, I used the bus home. Getting home, I checked the driveway but mom’s car wasn’t parked there.. She isn’t home.
I walk to the porch, grab the house key and insert it into the keyhole.
I walk into the house and after leaving my backpack on the chair, I notice a bit of change in the house. My gaze moved to a note on the coffee table, I stretch and took it..
**Hi honey. I’m sorry, I have to leave again, something big came up at work but I’ll be back before the day ends, it’s a promise. I won’t fail you this time. I made you lunch before leaving.. I miss you a lot. Much love. Mom**
I finish reading the note and I left it on the couch before grabbing my backpack and standing up.
Leaving my bag on my bed, I took off my skirt that was already dirty from all the falls I encountered in school. It’s a good thing Shane and the others didn’t give me anymore trouble before school ended. Though I didn’t know why but I was relieved all the same. I would’ve been way more mushed up than this.
I pulled into a sweatpant and wore my flip flops after taking my shoes off.
I dish some food for myself in the kitchen and ate it on the dinning, watching a TV programme.
After the meal, I washed the dishes and sat on the couch, focusing on the educational program being displayed on TV.
If only Tracy was here with me, it’d be more fun around here than now.. It’s been a while since I paid her a visit last. I checked the time, it was few minutes past five. I rush to the garden and pluck out a rose flower. Grabbing the keys to my bike, I lock the house door and hop onto my bike, leaving the flower at the front basket.. Inserting the key in the ignition. I started the bike and drive off to the cemetery, into the woods where my sister’s remains had been dug into.
I parked outside and took out the key from the ignition, I came down and grab the rose flower.
I walk into the woods to where the cemetery was located.. Amidst the other two graves of people that had been killed by the beast, I sight Tracy’s isolated at a far end. It might sounds crazy but this cemetery was made only for the people whose death were caused by the beast, it’s a sort of tradition and only I know that Tracy grave shouldn’t be among these two.
I walk over to her stone and first placed the rose flower on the sand before running my hand on the smoothness of the carved stone.. I smiled sadly as sad memories flock to my head..
She would still be with me if only she had listened to me.. If only she had stayed when I told her to.
I shut my eyes, trying to push back the memories of her tragic death. My eyes flung open immediately when I heard a groan close by. I looked around for a presence but I found none. I was all alone in the woods. I’m pretty sure that I heard something and I was fully assured when the groan came again. This time very close by but it didn’t stop.
I trailed the sound and it led me behind Tracy’s grave. My brows cocked when I sight a guy resting on it, his groans continued..
“Hello?” I said and his eyes dart to me immediately, something flashed through it for a second and he stood up. His iris exceptionally blue, very blue.
He stood up, his expression blank but his gaze not leaving me..
“What were you doing over there?” I asked when he said nothing. My gaze roamed him and a loud gasp escaped from my lips when I saw holes in his body, small bullet holes with blood gushing out of them.. I looked back at his face but his expression was still blank, no sign of pain..
My brows furrowed in confusion as I looked back at his body, I counted the bullet holes and they were seven.. Including one in his chest and and another in his lung but he’s still here. Standing like nothing is wrong..
“Were you shot?” I asked, to be sure if they were really bullet holes even though the gushing blood said so..
“Ahh!” He suddenly yelped in pain like he just started feeling the pains of the injuries.. His gaze shot up at me quizically.
“Wait.. You didn’t notice or what?” I asked, freaking out.. But he yelped again, collapsing to the floor this time, I quickly rushed to him.
“Hey! Look at me.. I’ll call for help okay?!” I assured even though I very much know that be can’t survive it.. I mean which sane person can survive seven bullets in their body?? Definitely not a guy that looked nothing more than twenty.
Anyways, I reached for my phone in my back pocket and turned it on.. He groaned again and I squat beside him, still dialing the emergency line.
“Blood!” He gasped so loudly that it affected my ears and I gave him a look and almost immediately he gave me a cold and surprised glance.
“Why am I bleeding!?” He asked and my face twitched at him.. Is he a psycho or what, why wouldn’t he bleed? ..
He groaned again “Why do I feel p-pain” he stuttered at the pain.
Hello..you got shot seven times, were you expecting to feel good or see tomato juice??
“I think the question should be how and why you got shot seven times” I said, hearing the emergency number ring..
“W-who are you?” He growled at me.. “What’re you doing to me!? Arrgh!” He groaned in pain again and started to fall, I quickly reached out to help him and as I touched him I felt the extreme coldness of his body, just like ice.. His eyes closed after I held him but the shock look on his face didn’t leave. I checked his pulse and felt nothing.. No single heartbeat.
The phone kept ringing without an answer.
I took it off my ear and tried to turn it on but it was dead, I had a flat battery. My brows furrowed even more and I placed the phone back on my ear.. It was ringing!…