October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 13

4 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean love story…

????Episode Thirteen????

Min Ah’s POV????

I can’t believe I fell for the devil’s trick…

She lured me into her web and I stupidly entered…

Oh I’m such a fool…..

Now I’m stranded and I don’t know where I am,how do I go about from here??,I could send a distress call but I don’t know where the others are……

Oh what do I do?!!!!….

Kim Hyun’s POV????

At The campsite????….

I saw Luna’s car approaching and ran towards it expected Min Ah to come out but she didn’t….

Luna alighted from the car and walked towards the fire and sat on a log…

‘Uhhh where’s Min Ah?’…

‘Gbo?!!..oh that little wench!!…she went back home, she said she doesn’t want to be near you guys’..she said and took off her boots…

Min Ah would never say something like that and she would never go back home….

Something is not right….

‘You’re lying Luna,where is she?’..I asked again and she scoffed…

‘Uh oh..you think I’m lying well you can go back home and check her out,where’s Shin Woo by the way?’..she asked and I frowned…

‘Shin woo is coming later,he went to the store to get some supplies’..I said and she frowned…

I don’t think Luna is telling me the truth….

i went inside my tent and grabbed my phone but there’s no signal…

‘ughhh why can’t I get any signal?!!!’..I screamed in frustration and hit my head on a rod….

Ouch that hurts but Min Ah is my main concern…

Where could she be?!!!….

Min Ah’s POV????

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 16

‘Hello?!!!’..I screamed at no one in particular but got no reply…

Why would I get a reply,I’m in the middle of nowhere and I don’t have the cell thingy to call anyone….

‘Oh lord of the blue seas help me!’..I cried out and when I turned I saw something run in the shadows of the bushes…

‘Who’s there?!!’…I asked but all I heard was the rustling of leaves…

The shadow ran past again and the next thing I knew someone covered my mouth…..


Unknown POV????

‘What do you mean by there’s an aura protecting her?!!’…he asked in fury and he bowed…

‘Your highness,I tried killing her several times but there’s an aura of light that always burns me when I get near her’…I said in fear and he slapped me hard across the face….

‘Go back to the human world and get her for me but alive this time!!!’…

‘Yes my lord’….

Min Ah’s POV????

‘Shin Woo!!!!’..I screamed when I turned and hugged him right….

I don’t know why I’m so glad to see him…..

‘How did you find me?’..I asked and he scattered his hair with his hands making him more handsome than ever…

‘Didn’t you sing that your Blue sea song?, cause I was just riding my bike when I heard you sing’..he said and I remembered…

Shin Woo was the first human to see me and hear me sing so we have a connection…

‘Why are you here anyways,didn’t you follow Luna?’..he asked and I frowned….

‘The devil left me and drove away’…I said coldly and before we could say anything else it started raining heavily….

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 22

‘Oh why now?!!!…we have to find somewhere to stay until the rain stops,I can’t ride my bike like this!!!’..he screamed and removed his leather jacket using it as an umbrella…..

We both ran and I saw an uncompleted building….

‘let’s go in there Shin!!!..I think it’s empty!!’..I said and we ran into the building….

A minute later….

‘Oh God I’m so cold!!!”…I shivered as we both sat on the bare floor…

‘You’re a mermaid,you’re not supposed to be cold’..he said coldly and I gave him a daring look….

‘I’m j..j…just cold!!!’..I said and he stood up and sighed….

He took off his shirt and squeezed the water out of it and brought out a fresh one from his bag…

‘Here have this’..he said tossing me a sweater….

I stood up and took off my wet shoes and looked at him awkwardly…

‘What?’..he asked…

Shin Woo’s POV????..

‘turn around please’..she said and I smiled evily…

Let me make use of this moment….


‘i have to take off my clothes!!’..she screamed in frustration and I gave her a wicked grin….

‘You can change in front of me Min Ah,it’s not like there’s anything there that I haven’t seen before’…

‘Shin woo!!!!’…


‘Please turn around’…

‘Ok fine’..I said and turned around waiting for her to change and I noticed that she took off her top through a small mirror by my side…

I whistled as she squeezed the water out of the cloth and something rolled towards me…

I picked it up and it was a rolled sock….

‘Gimme that!!!’..She screamed and the second one fell…

Oh this is ridiculous…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 28

‘Do you put rolled socks in your bra?’…

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