Magical Twin. Chapter 3
11 min read
???? Magical Twins????
We are magical????
(We were paid to protect him;He’s a minister’s son)????????
© Hilex’s Library
By: Adelegan Ilerioluwa
(Beware of mistakes????)
???? Chapter Three(3)????
????Min ho’s POV????
” Can’t I unirate in peace?”. I yelled at her
“Hey boss, we are doing our job”. Eloise replied and came out of the rest room
“Then you should do it with your brain, not following me all around”. I replied
“We are sorry if you are not okay with it, we were only doing our Job sir”. Evie said and bowed
.” I think you should learn how to give me some privacy”. I said and walked back to my class
Lecture continued for the rest of the day and seriously, they were not giving me space
Moving up and down, harm anyone that tries to come close to me
This was killing me
I noticed Evie is kinda quiet while Eloise; I hate that girl, she speaks a lot
Madia came to my sit with a can in her hands
“Have this, you must be thirsty”. She said and stretches it to me
“Thank you”. I smiled and collected it from her
I opened it and was about to gulp it down but then, Evie slapped it off my hands and the drink poured slightly on a shirt
“Oh my! My mum gave me this as a birthday gift”. I said
“You should learn some manners next time”. Madia said and eyed her
“I’m sorry, I was only trying to protect you. Everyone is a suspect”. She said
“So, you are trying to say I’m a suspect?” Madia asked
“I’m sorry”. Evie replied and brought out an handcheif, she tried cleaning my shirt but I slapped her hands
“Don’t lay your flirty hands on my shirt”. I said and she bowed
“Sorry Min”. Madia said and cleaned my shirt, that was when I realized Eloise was not around
“Where is Eloise?” I asked, she pointed and my eyes followed her direction
Oh my God, she was fighting Ashton, my coursemate
“Eloise”. Evie called and stopped her
“Don’t you ever try that again!” She yelled as she was dragged back by Evie
“I told you, I don’t like these girls”. Madia said
This girl is crazy
©Hilex’s Stories
Eloise’s POV????????????
After lecture
“I’ll wait for you outside”. Min said and walked out
“I think we should follow him?” Evie whispered
“No, it’s not necessary”. I replied
Beak came out of his class, he and Min were not in the same class
He walked out and we followed him
Madia was standing beside a lady, she and Min hugged and kissed
Who is she? I wondered
“Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Clara”. Min said and I muttered a “Oh”
Evie wasn’t all that happy and I noticed it. I told her to forget about him already
“Nice meeting you”. I said and stretches forth my hands to Clare but she shunned me
“Keep your handshake”. She said and turned to Min ho
“Baby, why can’t they be boys instead of girls”. She said
” Darling, just ignore them”. Min replied and smirked
“Let’s get into the car guys, we are going home”. Beak said
“Bye guys”. Madia said and waved at them
I thought she was going to follow them
We got into the car, two cars actually
Min and his girlfriend was in one while Beak, I and Evie used the second one
Evie wasn’t happy
Cheer up”. I said
©Hilex’s Stories
I noticed Beak was looking at us through the front mirror or rather..
He was looking at me
” Do you up have phones”. He asked
“No”. She responded
He ordered the driver to stop by a phone store
“What…what about Min?” Evie asked
“He’s gonna be okay”. Beak responded and got out of the car
He entered the store. Few minutes later, he came out hold two boxes, he entered and gave it to us
“These are your phones, your Sims has been inserted with our numbers saved on it”. He said
Wow! So quick?
I unboxed mine, it was an iPhone. I was
expecting Evie to unbox hers but she didn’t
“We’ll talk when we get home”. I whispered
We got to our destination and thank God, Min was save with the ‘spoilt Clara’ whatever
We got out of the car. We carried out bag and walked in
It was a palace
“Welcome home and make yourselves comfortable”. Beak said
We walked past Min and his girlfriend flirting together
I wonder if Beak has one
He took us to our room. I sat on the bed and felt it softness
Hmmm, feeeeeeels good
“Evie, what’s wrong with you, you are not cheerful”. I said
“Why should I? He has a girlfriend already”. She replied and I laughed.
“You think it’s funny?” She asked
“Of course twinne, come on ….why would you even crush on that thing?”. I asked and took off my shoes
“Don’t call him that, he’s not a thing”. She said and sat on the bed
“I like him and I can’t just stop looking at his cute face but he has a girlfriend”. She said and I groaned
“Don’t talk about him”. I said
I brought out my iPhone. I played game and it was interesting
It’s awesome
???? Evie’s POV????
I unboxed my iPhone. I love the wallpaper
“It smells nice”. I said to Eloise who was busy play game
Mistakenly, I dialed someone’s number and it happened to be Minho’s
What to do, I don’t know how to end it
“Eloise”. I called but she kept on playing game
I shouted her name and her phone fell from her hands. It fell on the ground
My phone! She screamed
“Eloise, I dialed Min’s number by mistake..I don’t know what to do”. I said
Evie! Min broke my phone! She shouted
“Huh? What has min got to do with your broken phone, help me.. it’s ringing”. I said
She was about to cut he call when he picked the call
“Eloise, he picked it, he picked it”. I panicked.
“Hello, who is it?”. He said over the phone
Awnnn, his lovely voice
“Hello who is this?” He have yelled. Eloise kept quiet but then she said
“Give it to me”. Eloise said and collected it from me
“Hey!” She yelled
“Eloise…I know that’s you, why are you calling my number!” He yelled
“Sharrrraaap!” She yelled back
“You broke my phone dumbo!”. She shouted
“Don’t.. don’t you dare call me a dumbo ever again”. He shrieked
“Who is it baby?” Clara said and I could hear her voice
“Hey Clara! Shut up, I’m not done talking!” Eloise shouted
I covered my ear, she shouts a lot
“You better cut the call over the other end cause you broke my new phone”. She said
“Oh geez, you are so spoilt”. He replied and ended the call
Ha! She huffed.
I’m so gonna deal with that guy”. She said and stood up from the bed. I drew her back immediately
“Min didn’t break your phone, it fell from your hands.” I said
“But that idiot caused it, he shouldn’t have called you!”. She said(????)
“I called him by mistake”.I said
She took a deep breath and sat back on the bed.
My precious phone, it’s gone”. She said
“We’ll use this together”. I said and gave it to her. She dropped it on the bed
We changed into our muffty, we wore the same clothes and used our tags
A knock fell on the door
“Who is it?” I asked
“Come downstairs, Min wants to see you”. I think Beak.said
My heartbeat skipped
“I’ve got this”. Eloise said and we both walked out of the room
We got to the sitting,. Min and his girlfriend, Clara were flirting again
She’s looks cheap and she was even sitting on his legs
“Come here you two”. He said and I moved to where he told us to stay.
Eloise obeyed reluctantly
Beak was sitting at the dinning table busy with his phone
“I knew it was Eloise that shouted at me, what temerity?”. He asked and I bowed countless times
“I’m sorry”. I said and bowed, Eloise stood still, angry
I forced her to bow
Oh gee!
“You two should know I’m your boss here and I won’t condole any disrespect from you or you!”. He shrieked
“Dumbo”. Eloise muttered and rolled her eyes. He stopped talking
We raised our heads and oh my God!
They were kissing!
Min and Clara; like seriously?
This is a mess. Eloise grabbed my hands, she took me to the dinning
We sat in the chair, I really wish I could kill that Clara girl
“I will be in the bedroom”. I said to Eloise and left, leaving her and Beak alone
That girl disgusts me
???? Eloise’s POV????
Beak concentrated on his phone, and at times, he steals glances at me
I just ignored Min and the slut she called his girlfriend kissing
I remembered my phone, should I tell him ? I thought but then he asked me about it
“Are you getting used to your phone?” He asked and raised up his head, looking at me
“Min broke my phone.” I told him sobberly and he chuckled
It fell from your hands, right? He said and I nodded
“Don’t worry, I will get you a new one.” He said
“Awnnn, thank you.” I said and looked over at Min again
They aren’t kissing anymore
“Beak”. I asked
“Min and Clara have been dating for how many years?”. I asked and he scoffed
“Two days”. He answered and I gasped
“Two days?”. I asked and he nodded
“That’s serious, what about you?”. I asked
“Yeah, don’t you have one?” I asked
” We broke up just last week”. He responded
“I called the relationship a quit actually cause I saw her flirting with my …. best friend”. He said
“Groose, that’s unbelievable! I hate girls who cheat…I’m sorry about that?”. I said
“Its okay”. He responded
???? Beak’s POV ????
I couldn’t stop looking at her, she’s an epitome of beauty. She was like her sister but I don’t know why I like her
She’s cheerful unlike her quiet sister
She has a nice name as well
She was perfectly created, I liked everything about her
After Clara left, Min ho came back to the sitting room
“I’m hungry”. He said
“Don’t you have a cook?”. Eloise asked
“Our cook had an accident and she quitted the job”. I replied
Min walked to the bar and brought out his favorite wine
“Bro, don’t tell me you are drinking again”. I said
“As you can see”. He said and gulped down his first cup
“Too much of alcohol damages the health”. I pointed out
“Whatever you call it”. He said and gulped down another drink
Evie came downstairs and sat on the other chair. She was looking at Min ho
“So, you guys don’t eat?”. She asked and I nodded
“What if I cook for you?”. She asked
“Sure”. I answered
“Let’s go Eloise”. She said and stood up
I am not going, my job is to be a bodyguard not a cook. Eloise replied
Aww, whatever. She muttered and followed her unwillingly
“Make my food ……”
Sharrap! Eloise shouted cutting Min off
I chuckled.
“Guess what bro?” He asked
“I broke up with Clara”. He said and I scoffed
“Min, I knew it! You break up with ladies every three days, isn’t that crazy?”. I asked
“No, it’s fun”. He replied
????Eloise POV????
“They have a big kitchen.” Evie said
“Why would you suggest we cook for them?” I asked angrily
“Come on, I want Min to taste my food and I’m making waffles”. She said
Whatever. I rolled my eyes and opened the refrigerator.
It was stocked with different food
“I’ll be back”. Evie said and left
I checked the whole kitchen, nice kitchen
I took a drink from the refrigerator, sweet and tasty
I walked over to the oven, I checked it out
I sniffed
Omo! The waffles!
I turned off the gas immediately. The waffles got burnt
What to do, Evie won’t be happy
I grabbed the box and poured a fresh one on it
I turned on the gas and mixed everything together
Good but it still smells
Evie entered
“What’s smelling?”. She asked and I laughed
“It’s the microwave, I will turn it off”. I said and turned on the microwave, then I turned it off
“The smell is coming from this direction”. She said pointing to the waflle
Oh no
She got there and smiled
Oh, it’s not this direction. She said
I got out of the kitchen and sat at the dinning
Min was sitting opposite to me while Beak sat next to me
I and Min glared at ourselves. I eyes him and he eyed me
Evie came out with a tray in her hands. She served us our food
God! I pray this works out. I said within me
Min ho was lost in staring at me.
Min? I called and snapped my finger at him
Min has been glancing at me ever since we got home but I just ignored him
I smirked at him and he growled
I deeped a spoon into my food and shoved it in my mouth
Wow, lovely taste
“How is it?”. Evie asked
“Good, you’re really a good cook.” Beak said
“Thanks”. She muttered
We finished our food, watched TV for a while then said a good bye to ourselves
I jumped on my bed and within few minutes, I was asleep
Evie read the magic book for a while and later ????
“Ha!” Someone screamed and I jerked out of my sleep
It was Evie and with the way she screamed, it’s nightmare
“Are you okay?” I asked
“No”. She said and started crying
“What’s the matter?” I asked but she continued crying
I sleep a lot but when it comes to things like this most especially about my sister
I must wake up immediately
It’s a magical strength
My eyes turned red all of a sudden
Oh my gosh! That’s a magical evil sign
“Evie, what happened to you, talk to me”. I asked but she continued crying
All she was saying was revenge, revenge, revenge
My eyes turned red again
It turned red countless time
After a while, it stopped
“Are you okay?”. I asked again then she stopped crying
“I’m okay”. She said
Phew! You scared me. I said and laid back on the bed
I continued my sweet sleep but what was the magical evil sign all about?
????Evie’s POV????
I had a dream, a terrible one and it’s about Xiever. It was…it was a reflection of how he raped me
I screamed and cried for help but no one was around
I think I beginning to be traumatized
I know him, he’s very dangerous..even if we are good at fighting but we can’t conquer him
I looked at Eloise who was fast asleep
I can’t tell her, I don’t want any trouble
I will make sure Xavier pays for this, he took my dignity
I..I..will get back at him even if it will cost me my life cause I can’t stop dreaming of the pains he caused me
I will make him pay. I sniffed and cleaned my eyes