My hot tempered Husband. Episode 7
3 min read
If you are a married woman reading this and you haven’t changed your status on Facebook after marriage, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ to do that before you continue reading my story.
This innocent mistake had stolen my joy. Don’t say “my husband understands”. It won’t cost you anything to change it. Some men are not as aggressive like Dayo but they are not happy seeing their wife’s status still showing single or their father’s name. This is Africa my dear sisters. If you have not done your change of name after marriage, go ahead and do it without wasting time.
Dayo began to keep malice with me even after I changed my status on Facebook. I begged him to forgive me for not changing the status on time but he claimed he had forgiven me but his attitude never showed that. I became fed up with his malice because of my condition, so I moved in with mama to look after me. Before I left, I dropped a note telling him I had gone to mama’s place. When he got home and he didn’t see me, he sent me a text, “come home before I come there to force you out”. I didn’t reply him, I dared him to come and carry out his threat. Mama knew I had problem with Dayo but she didn’t talk to me about it. I lied to her that he is not always around hence I want her to look after me.
I forgot to tell you that mama didn’t go for her medical trip again. Dayo cancelled it because I made him angry. I had to tell a lot of lies to mama on why she couldn’t go for her medical trip again. Our moment of joy was cut short. The Facebook status seemed to be the mistake that triggered the slumbering giant of anger in Dayo. All my attempts to make the giant go back to sleep or die never yielded any result. Dayo’s anger and aggression increased by the day.
True to his words, he stormed mama’s house three days after. Mama, why did you keep my wife with you for three days against my wish? If you are a good woman, you should have asked Kemi to go back to her husband. It is either she follows me now or be forever married to you. Like mother like daughter, he insulted mama with foul words. I couldn’t take his insults against my mother anymore, I didn’t know when my hand went to his cheeks. I landed him a dirty slap. I bet you if you were in my shoes, you will do worse. I thought he will respect mama and not slap me back in her presence but I was wrong.
He rushed me back with some slaps on both cheeks. Mama stood and was speechless. You monster, leave my house now, mama ordered him out but he will not. Mama called on Musa, the security man to come and take Dayo out of the house. It became a battle between Musa and Dayo. Our neighbour called on the police and Dayo was arrested and locked up in police custody.
Few hours later, he was released on bail. Right from the police station he came in with two men. Where is the car I bought for you? He stretched out his hand towards me. I quickly went in and brought the car key and threw it at him. He took the key and drove my car away. With all that happened, mama never said “I told you never to marry this boy”.
She kept encouraging me everything will be alright.