January 18, 2025

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

My V Bride. Chapter 56

2 min read

My V Bride.

Written by Feathers.

Chapter 56

Fred’s POV

“Please show me my room.” The pregnant lady asked and I sunk to the chair.

Sonia stood and said; “I’ll take you to your room.”

She walked away with the woman.

She came back few seconds later and sat before me.

“I’m sorry for hurting you.” She said firmly.

“I feel like you did not love me, you only want to be with me. You should have just let me divorce you when we were at our country.” I said bitterly.

“I love you Fred… I just hate s—-x, I guess it’s who I am.” She said.

“You are annoying, Sonia!” I said and stood.

“How can you hate something you have never experienced?” I yelled.

She shook fearfully and lowered her head.

She raised it up few seconds later and said; “I would be comfortable with you making love with the woman.”

“You see what I’m saying? Imaging me saying I would feel comfortable with you making love with another man, does that make any sense to you? Of course not. People don’t share what they love. You did not love me Sonia” I said and went to sit on a different chair.

Sonia sat and stared thinly at me.

“I’m sorry for bringing another woman into your life but you can keep f–Kìng her anytime you want while we can both live as lovers.” She said and a smirk appeared on my lips.

The smirk had a reason.

“Fine.” I said and walked to the room given to the woman.

The woman also looked beautiful and awesome in shape.

Also, read  My V Bride. Chapter 37

“My husband, welcome.” She said and we hugged.

“Feel comfortable, it’s your home now.” I said and she smiled.

She rubbed my chëst gently and began to help me unbot-tøn my cloth.

I allowed her too, after all, I had already made love with her, I’ll keep doing it often now.

She tried to kìss me but her mouth smells so I jerked back.

“What’s the matter?” She asked.

I took my head away and shook my head.

“Nothing….I don’t really like kissing.” I lied

“Fine….Just f—!K me then.” She requested and lã—!d on the bëd.

“Sure!” I said and stood, ready to start undressing but my body was not in the mood.

My stare at her was empty, she was on the b-d n@k—ëd with her lë-gs sep@rã-tëd but I still didn’t feel a thing.