The Golden Boys. Episode 42
5 min read
An American Romantic Series
Written by me: Authoress succy
Season 2
Episode 42
I ran into the compound and dashed off through the entrance door straight to my room
why do I have to be so unlucky?
why do I have to cry all the time?
to think that my dad was actually a criminal.
I had suspected he was into illegal business, but I never knew he was a robber
I remembered the day our teacher had asked what occupation our parents were doing,on our school speech day and I had asked dad about it but he told me plainly that he’s into Business of importing and exporting goods
I was quite younger then, but I could tell he was lying to me cause molly had asked him same question and he told her he was a managing director
we never lacked anything
not even a single cookies was in absence back then in my dads house
we get to eat whatever we want and do whatever we feel like.
i lay on my bed with tears on my eyes as I suddenly remembered what brain had said that his mum actually hated me and is behind my kidnap
why will she do something like that?
I was beginning to like and respect her, but I never knew she’s nothing but a pretender
and to think brain had broke up with me cause of it!
he should have told me about it
shouldn’t he?
he shouldn’t have kept it away from me
he shouldn’t have hurt me more all in the name of protecting me
he’s making my life so complicated
he’s shoving me More into a huge mess
he’s making life meaningless to me
he’s tempering with my heart
he’s making me hate him
he shouldn’t have kept it from me!
he should have told me all I need to know about it
now it’s coming too late cause he had made a mess of everything
I won’t have believed his mother would ever want to hurt me
I never would believe she would do such to me
to think she has wanted to eliminate me and brain had to break up with me so I will be save!
who does that?
he shouldn’t have broke up with me in the first place
he should have hold on to me tightly and we would have fought together
we would have won cause love never loses a battle but he had lost his place in my heart
I can’t think about him ever again
his name alone sends banging headache into my head
the day he had broken up with me, I had seen the worried look on his face
the look of fear
but what if I had died or got harassed by hoodlums
the night he had broken up with me
what would he say huh?
won’t he had cried over my corpse or perhaps he would have long gotten over me right?
he shouldn’t step an inch near me
he has done more harm already!
let him go to hell and rot to death
I have nothing with him again and that’s my decision
am the burden bearer here!
am the one whose heart aches from the numerous heartbreaks those two sexy jerks had given to me
and as for Richard!
he shouldn’t bother him self thinking about me choosing brain!
cause the Gospel truth is that, I will rip off his skin when next I see him any where near me
he’s nothing but a monster!
a sexy cute monster!!
I hate everything about him
my heart is forever shut again him
I stood up from the bed and slowly pulled off my clothes before walking into the bathroom with shaking legs
I really need a cold bath
“practice is in two hours”mason said climbing up the stairs to his room
“hey! Buddy !
what’s wrong?” Eric asked nudging me on my shoulder
“get your hands off him man!
he’s Still on her” David replied and Eric froze
“are you being serious?
I thought he had got over her already!” Eric chipped in and David gave him a hard glare
“do you think it’s as simple as ditching those crazy bitches you go to the club flocking around with!” Tristan chipped in pouring himself some wine
“I think mine is a bit better than you who won’t get a bitch or a girlfriend!
let’s just say your more or less a gay”Eric chipped in and I took the stairs up to my room
am already getting pissed off
I walk to my room and dash off to the bar, I sat on as told and open a wine, decanted some of it into a wine glass
oh! heavens
I can’t believe I will ever feel this way because of a girl
I never thought I would one day cry for a girl
I felt my heart ripping into pieces
tears streamed down my eyes and I felt side twinges on my head
this is more than a banging headache
the door burst open and I knew it was David even without taking a glance at him
“I lost her David!
I lost her!
I shouldn’t have told her
I shouldn’t have!!” I cried placing my head on the counter
“it’s okay brain!
please” he cooed but I couldn’t help the tears
“I can’t believe my mum would do this to me!
i never thought she would be so heartless!!!” I cried slamming the wine glass on the wall
am going mad David!
am going mad for her!!” I cried
“listen to me brain!
you can’t possibly kill yourself over her
if you continue this way your gonna fall sick” he said trying to pacify me
“I don’t mind falling sick Dav,
I don’t mind if that would make her run back into my hands, then let me f**king fall sick” I yelled hitting my fist on the counter
“why don’t you give her space brain,give her some space to think” he said and my eyes shone
can i do that?
“do you think it’s ever gonna work?” i asked and he nodded
“thanks David thanks” i cooed and he hug me.