V Couple. Chapter 48
2 min read
V Couple.
Written by Feathers.
Chapter 48
-Three days later–
Jessie’s POV
I woke and stared around the room, It was like I died and wake.
I didn’t see anyone in the room. After comfirming that I was really in my room, I stood and sat upright.
What really happened?
I felt sound and I didn’t feel anything odd.
I stood from the bed and sauntered out of the room, I saw Oscar sitting at the living room and reading a magazine.
I walked to him and sat beside him.
“How are you?” He asked.
Mere looking at his face, I knew something was wrong.
I couldn’t place what was wrong, I made my heart still and thought of what happened last before I slept.
I remembered that we were both eating and then I slept off.
That was strange.
“Oscar, did you drug me?” I asked.
“Why would I?” He asked staring heavily into my face.
His face carries so much expression.
“I was wondering how I slept off after we had eaten that day.” I munbled and stood.
I walked to one of the calendars at the living room, I was stunned to see that I had slept for three days.
“What! ” I turned to Oscar. “How can I sleep for three days?”
“I did not want to wake you, I thought that was how you live your life.” He said and I quickly ran to the bathroom
I was checking my p—-Y to see if I was still fløwered but I was not confirming it.
Could he have made love with me?
I need to do a v@gī-nity test asap.
I went to dress and walked out without telling Oscar anything.
I drove to the hospital and went to the doctor I had met the last time I went.
I told him what I was there for and he made me lay and conducted the test on me.
“The hy-mën is there…” He said.
“Meaning I’m still flowered?” I asked.
“Sure, I just do not understand how you got pregnant.” The doctor said as he went to his seat.
“The pregnancy is divine.” I said.
Tbat was what I strongly believe. I do not believe Joe can do something so inhumãne.
I’ve known him for many years, I know what he can do and what he can’t.
Yes, he’s lü–sting after me but he will never drüg me to make love with me.
I still felt uneasy even after the test.